Goals of Care: Empowering Patients with Clear Communication

Sep 6, 2024

Patients benefit from clear discussions about their care preferences in every healthcare setting. Hospice Goals of Care are in-depth, no-cost consultations between the patient, their family, and healthcare providers.

When a person enters hospice care, our care team immediately begins crafting a plan centering on the patient’s comfort. An initial conversation assesses the patient’s medical condition and current quality of life while creating a practical plan for a potential decline in health. It includes exploring options such as continuing curative treatments, transitioning to palliative care, or focusing solely on providing comfort to the patient.

“The primary focus is customizing the treatment plan to reflect the patient's values, preferences and overall well-being,” says Hospice Community Service Liaison Dawn Bolton. “A Goals of Care conversation is an exploration of the broader goals in a patient's medical treatment."

How to have a Goals of Care conversation:

• Patients or family members can request these discussions to clarify care plans if the patient’s health suddenly worsens.

• Healthcare providers may initiate these conversations beyond the scope of a typical office visit to ensure that all aspects of the patient’s care are thoroughly addressed.

• In a hospital setting, Goals of Care conversations may be prompted when a patient wishes to limit or stop treatment, or when treatment is no longer viable.

By making these thoughtful and detailed discussions a priority, we help patients navigate their care with dignity and respect

Categories: Hospice Blog

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