Frederick Health Village
1 Frederick Health Way
Frederick MD 21701

*Please use NORTH entrance of building (front of building) for this event. There is a parking lot by the NORTH entrance (Visitor Parking Lot).

General Grief Support Group – DAY AND EVENING
1st and 3rd Thursdays, 2:00 -3:30 p.m. (no group July 4th)
2nd and 4th Thursdays, 5:00 -6:30 p.m. (no group November 28th)

This support group is an ongoing, drop-in group designed to provide support to individuals who have experienced the death of a loved one. Being with individuals who have had similar experiences and feelings allows sharing and healing to take place, and this group provides a safe place where group members can share their story and express their grief. This is a drop in group; no need to pre-register.

Please click here for the full 2024 General Grief Group Schedule.

Grief Transition Support Group - DAY
Tuesdays, September 24 - November 12, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
This 8-week peer-led support group is designed for adults who lost a loved one more than one year ago and have previously received formal grief support services (individual counseling and/or support groups). This group will explore some of the challenges adults might face as they transition to living their life without their loved one and provide strategies and tools to help adults more autonomously live without the need for formal grief support. During this group, there will be time and space to process in an environment of safety, non-judgement, and support.
Please register for this group by September 17, 2024 by emailing or calling 240-566-3030.

Overdose Loss Support Group- EVENING
Wednesdays, October 2 - November 20, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
This 8-week support group is designed for adults who have lost a loved one whose death was a result of or related to overdose of drugs and/or alcohol. This group will be a safe space for people to process grief and find connection with others who have experienced a substance-related loss.
Please register for this group by September 25th, 2024 by emailing or calling 240-566-3030. Once registration for this group closes, new members will not be able to join.

Loss of Adult Child Support Group- EVENING
Tuesdays, October 1 - November 26 (Skip 11/5 Election Day), 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
This 8-week support group is designed for adults who have lost an adult child (over the age of 18). During this group, we will provide time and space to process the specific loss and special issues that arise through this lived experience. An environment of safety, non-judgement, and support is fostered through compassionate facilitation and confidentiality within the group.
Please register for this group by September 24, 2024 by emailing or calling 240-566-3030. Once registration for this group closes, new members will not be able to join.

Suicide Loss Group
Dates and Times To Be Determined
This 8-week support group provides a safe space for adults who have lost someone from suicide to process their grief without stigmatization or judgement. Emotions and experiences from this type of loss can be unique and traumatic. This group will provide an opportunity to connect with peers, process feelings of grief, and receive grief education and tools that can be used going forward.
Please register for this group by emailing or calling 240-566-3030.

Coping with the Holidays Workshops
Monday, November 18, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. OR
Tuesday, November 19, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

This two-hour workshop will explore some practical ideas to help cope with the upcoming holidays, as well as some ways to commemorate your loved ones, especially throughout the holidays. This time of year can be very stressful under the best of circumstances, and especially more so if you are facing the holidays for the first time after the death of a loved one. If interested, please register for ONE of the workshops by November 12, 2024. Space is limited.

Inspiring Stories

Helping a Patient's Dream Come True

Helping a Patient's Dream Come True

Sep 6, 2024
Emotional support is an important part of the care ...
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Nurse Finds Fresh Purpose After Kline House Experience

Nurse Finds Fresh Purpose After Kline House Experience

Sep 2, 2024
Jen Sachar lived through challenges that are not ...
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