Estate and Planned Giving
A carefully planned gift has the power to create a legacy that will touch the lives of future patients and caregivers well beyond your lifetime.
The Legacy Circle
Your legacy reflects the meaning of your life. By becoming a member of Frederick Health Hospice's Legacy Circle program, you will help bridge the financial gap hospice faces each day, and ensure that family members, friends, and neighbors continue to have access to these services - regardless of their ability to pay.
Some examples of legacy gifts include:
- Bequests
- Gifts of cash, securities, or personal property
- Life Insurance
- Bequests of retirement assets
- Charitable/Annuity Trusts
- Gifts of IRA distributions, real estate or stocks
- Charitable remainder trusts/annuity trusts
- Charitable gift annuities/lead trusts
If you are interested in joinging The Legacy Circle, we recommend that you consult with your financial advisor and/or attorney. You may also contact our Hospice Development Office at 240-566-3036. We have a Planned Gifts committee comprised of estate attorneys and financial planners who are available to assist you: EIN#52-1164513
“We will always continue to support Hospice. During the most difficult time of life, Hospice is a wonderful source of comfort for all. This organization truly makes an unbelievable difference in the way the end of a life should be handled, with love and dignity. The generous spirit of the volunteers and staff are something very special…just a remarkable thing.” – Steve and PJ Barger